Various methods exist to reduce the time Amber takes to fire each CA, increasing the DPS that she can do. You should choose the method that you are most comfortable with, as execution errors and missed shots will significantly reduce your damage.
The following tech can be performed on any platform, including PC, console, and mobile. For simplicity, PC inputs are used to describe how to perform each tech. Some frame counts might be off by a couple frames as it’s hard to get exact numbers without macros.
TLDR: For both Physical and Pyro CA playstyles, use Hold Cancels to shoot CAs.
The easiest but slowest way to shoot CAs. After each shot, Amber does a lengthy recovery animation before she begins charging for the next shot.
Pyro: Not generally recommended due to the long animation after each shot.
Physical: This method is for those that are uncomfortable with constantly entering and exiting Aim mode, and don’t want to deal with having to adjust aim after each shot. Despite the slow rate of fire, this method can be used effectively in long range situations when it is difficult to aim accurately with Hold Cancels.
The recommended way to fire CAs with Amber.
Pyro: Recommended method to shoot Pyro CA.
Physical: The recommended way to play Physical Amber, if you are able to stomach having the camera constantly zoom in and out. This method allows Amber to shoot up to 33% faster per shot. Note that the camera will also shift to the left slightly after each shot, so you will constantly have to readjust your aim.
Tap R to enter Aim mode. (Press and) Release M1 to fire a CA, then immediately dash to exit Aim mode.
Dash Cancels are essentially identical in speed to Hold Cancels, trading stamina for greater mobility.
Be aware that dashing too early can cause Amber to either not fire an arrow, or cause the arrow to shoot out horizontally or autotarget, regardless of how you aim.
Pyro: Dash Cancels can be used to dodge attacks after firing a shot. Players can switch between Dash and Hold Cancels depending on the situation.
Physical: Not recommended due to high stamina use for no advantage compared to Hold Cancels. You will also be locked out of dash after two dashes.
Hold M1 to enter Aim mode. Release M1 to fire a CA. Tap R as you exit Aim mode to re-enter Aim mode. (Press and) Release M1 to fire a CA then immediately dash.
A combination of Hold and Dash cancels. Essentially the same speed as Hold Cancels over several CAs, but the 2 CAs come out faster each cycle, which can make a difference if enemies are about to hit you. At a human level, either method can be faster or slower, depending on the player’s ability.
Pyro: Has more complex inputs. Use whichever method is more comfortable and consistent for you.
Physical: M1-R is not recommended for Physical Amber due to the high stamina cost and high difficulty of performing the inputs at high speed for basically no advantage.
Tap R to enter Aim mode. (Press and) Release M1, and tap R at the same time to fire a CA. Immediately tap R again to re-enter Aim mode. For more information, see the KQM TCL entry.
ARCC is the fastest but most difficult way to shoot Charged Shots. It requires frame perfect timing, and when unsuccessful, Amber enters a lengthy recovery animation, significantly dropping her DPS. Even if a player is able to pull it off consistently, it has issues that make it not recommended in most cases. ARCC shots cannot be aimed vertically, and when within range of enemies, the shots will autotarget, meaning that where the player aims does not matter. For most enemies, Amber is unable to headshot them using this method.
Pyro: ARCC should only be used for enemies that have no weakspot. The cost of building crit rate is not worth the few frames that ARCC saves over other methods.
Physical: Extremely difficult to pull off, but has a near limitless ceiling for speed. If you really want to try this, setting your game to 30fps framerate and using a controller is recommended. When successful, Amber can fire 5+ CAs per second at a human level, reaching damage levels far beyond what she is intended to do.
Not to be confused with M1-R. A mix between Hold Cancels and ARCC. Still requires frame perfect timing and has the same issue of being unable to headshot most enemies.
Pyro: Slower than ARCC without any benefit. Not recommended.
Physical: Slightly easier compared to normal ARCC, with a lower theoretical ceiling, but still very difficult.